The candidates for the Ornamo Award 2016 are named. The candidates, selected by the Board of Directors of the Finnish Association of Designers Ornamo, are textile firm Saana ja Olli, automotive designer Pasi Pennanen and textile designer Pirjo Kääriäinen. The Ornamo Award is a highly valued recognition of current design and industrial art. The winner is selected by interior designer Simo Heikkilä, whose choice will be announced on the Design Day on 20 April 2016.
This year’s candidates are linked by an exceptional and visionary approach to creating sustainable design solutions in the textile and automotive industries, which are in the process of renewal.
“The pioneering work of the candidates shows that Finland is full of creative potential to develop new technologies and materials. Designers play an important role in refining them into commercial successes and appealing products and services for the consumers of the future,” says Salla Heinänen, Executive Director of the Finnish Association of Designers Ornamo.
The Finnish Association of Designers Ornamo has awarded design professionals since 1981. The candidacy is a highly valued recognition in itself, as the selection of candidates is based on a two-stage peer review process by design experts.
The Ornamo Award 2016 will be presented at the Design Day seminar on the Design Day, 20 April 2016, held at the Black Box of Musiikkitalo (Helsinki Music Centre) 15–18. This year’s winner is selected by interior designer Simo Heikkilä.